Jennifer Compton in the spotlight

‘Community’ (L to R) – Anna Fern, me, Emilie Collyer, Maurice McNamara, Andy Jackson.

Fine poets, every last wo/manjack of them.

Available from: Recent Work Press

Photo credit: Brendan Bonsack

Jennifer Compton was born in Wellington, New Zealand and now lives in Melbourne, Australia.  Her work has appeared in The Best Australian Poetry 2003 and 2009. And in The Best Australian Poems 2004, 2005, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2017. And in The Best Of The Best New Zealand Poems 2011. Recent Work Press in Canberra  published her 11th book of poetry, the moment, taken, in 2021. Although, obviously, she is a well-established page poet, she also has a hankering for the stage, and slams and open mics and relishes gigs at festivals and events – weddings, parties, anything!

Poet’s reflections

I have been in this poetry game for a very long time – well over fifty years. (With little side forays into other genres. For instance there was a time you could write a play for radio, that was actually pure poetry, and get good money for it. Plus repeat fees.) But just recently I have been reconsidering my relationship with poetry – as one does, from time to time – and have been – so to say – renewing my vows. Good friend and good poet Gayelene Carbis asked me what was the upshot and without further ado I replied – ‘Community’.

So in that spirit I offer the group photo (by Di Cousens, one of the gifted chroniclers of the scene) taken a few years back at a bring-your-own-milkcrate reading (none of us had got the memo!) at the Egg Gallery.

Look – I like the spotlight as much as anyone (maybe more than most) but what really knocks my socks off is gathering with the poets (the unacknowledged legislators) and maybe, even, falling in love with poetry, all over again.

Jennifer Compton